Grilling Recipes

The Best BBQ Burger Recipe – Preparation and Cooking Instructions – BBQFOOD4U

Learn how to make the best BBQ burgers at home with no special tools or equipment required. Enjoy the delicious content and help support a small video creator, drop a little tip at- Thanks so much for watching! Amazon BBQ Store –
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I’m passionate about BBQ, Grilling, Smoking, Live fire cooking and sharing recipes and information with everyone around the world for free. I hope this video helps people cook delicious BBQ burgers at home. If you have a good recipe or idea for a video let me know. Thanks for checking this video out and cook more BBQ with your family and friends.

Equipment in video available on Amazon
Weber Performer Deluxe –
Royal Oak Charcoal –
Knife Block –
Professional Stainless Steel Spatula –

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21 thoughts on “The Best BBQ Burger Recipe – Preparation and Cooking Instructions – BBQFOOD4U

  • Now this is an awesome burguer recipe. I end up here after looking at several top chef prepare simple grinded meat with just salt and pepper at the top claiming that's the secret. C'mon man, does it needs a recipe for a burger made that way? .

    I have try several ways to build the meat. And my last try was something similar to this. Just handed chopped good meat with some seasoning inside.

    I am glad to find this. Your hamburguers looks amazing and I think that this way really brings something different to the table.

    Congratulations and thank you for sharing.

  • I thought you were ALWAYS supposed to cook your meat at room temperature, not cold, or especially just out of the refrigerator.

  • I watched Gordon Ramsay's burger tutorial and then yours and i think both of you are the best I've seen. Simple, Flavorful.

  • Wow good looking burger!! I am having company over Sunday for lunch so I was looking to find the perfect burgers recipe, I think I just found it?

  • Sorry, but that's an absolute waste of a beautiful Ribeye steak. That steak had a beautiful spinalis dorsi and you just chopped it up for a freaking burger. I'm sure it was delicious but…… really?? Whatever.

  • I have to gave it to you, you n knocked those burgers out of the park from start to finish. Thank you for your time.

  • Yes 60% beef 40% FAT it'll be juicy. If you don't cut the beef long enough to look exactly like ground beed that burger is not gonna have the flavor and the sensation of a burger. If butter knife is all you have and not allot of cutting is possible then what you made is edible, but it doesn't taste or feel like a burger.


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