Grilling Recipes

Pan-Grilling Thin Steaks : Steak Recipes

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Pan-grilling thin steaks is something you can do right at home anytime you’d like with the right tools. Learn about pan-grilling thin steaks with help from an experienced culinary professional in this free video clip.

Expert: Jackson Lamb
Bio: Chef Jackson Lamb graduated from the State University of New York at Delhi State College in 1973.
Filmmaker: Jackson Lamb

Series Description: No two steaks are created equal, so you always need to make sure you’re following the right steps during preparation to unlock the flavors that you so desire. Get tips on a variety of different steak recipes with help from an experienced culinary professional in this free video series.


48 thoughts on “Pan-Grilling Thin Steaks : Steak Recipes

  • It’s easy to cook it quick!
    But you didn’t show us the steak in the end of video.

  • Good tip, but left a few things out. (Letting steak get to room temp? Pan on high heat?)

  • I'm glad I know the time now. I always ended up with seriously well done. Tough steak. I'm going to try this in a few thanks for the information!

  • I buy thin stuff because it's cheap and since I eat way less than I did a year ago one of those thin steaks he has tossed on a hamburger bun with a little cheese, mayo and some hot sauce and I'm set on lunches for a few days and usually only costs like 6$ for the meat alone which is what I'd spend if I forgot my lunch at work anyways.

  • I think my electric range has a range of one to ten. I know nothing about cooking. I would like to know about temp to cook? I would call five as medium. I am going to give this a try and hope I don’t screw it up.

  • Followed his instruction two of my thin steaks got stuck to the pan and i had to scrape them off. just oil the pan

  • What temp is the oven set at before the steaks are added to the pan?!

  • I bought thin steaks tonight , feeds 6 people and it was still a GREAT MEAL ???

  • thanks for the great video on how to cook thin steak in a grill pan or cast iron skillet — easy!

  • Finally a steak i can relate to kinda felt wierd when mine was small and the other videos had huge ones.

  • Damn the “fast fry” steaks I got yesterday are even thinner than those

  • how do you slightly flip something over? i just found that funny, thanks for vid

  • I got my pan this hot and i got a red face just like you, i guess i done it properly

  • Well mr. instructor… rather than saying 'you can tell that pans pretty hot' perhaps you might give an actual temperature… Or maybe your stove is fancy and has a ' pretty hot setting'
    Edit: I came back to share. 400° med-hi on most stove tops.

  • show us the inside of the finished steak to prove its authenticity, what i hear is just all talk

  • You have to sous vide thin steaks; I cook them to 128 degrees and then pan sear them for 15 seconds on each side. Medium rare perfection. Great for breakfast when you don't want a 16oz ribeye.

  • When heating the pan , should there be oil on the pan ? Or just heating the pan alone without oil ?

  • Salt and pepper , is this the recipe for a depression thin steak sandwich

  • What did u cook the steaks in Olive Oil ??? How long do u let the pan heat up ???

  • idk why people are hating on small steaks, it’s perfect for a week night dinner or something you can cook as a small entree to add with 2 sides like asparagus or broccoli and rice.

  • Gordon thumbed down at least 387 times until he broke his pc with a schnitzel mallet


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