Grilled German Potato Salad – Food Wishes
Learn how to make a Grilled German Potato Salad! No, you can’t grill a potato salad, but you can grill potatoes, and then make a salad, which not only adds a subtle smoky element, but we don’t have to worry about the potatoes getting waterlogged. Visit for the ingredients, more information, and many, many more video recipes. I really hope you enjoy this deliciously different Grilled German Potato Salad recipe!
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I'm German, and I always put mustard in my potato salad.
Was expecting a grilled German, was disappointed in that aspect, but got something much better.
Greetings from Germany, very interesting recipe. You can find hundrets of them here. But i will try this but I add some (sour) cucumber.
Peeling those potatoes is a crime.
mmmm that be nice with some grated mature cheese over it then 3-4mins under a grill 😛
I strongly recommend you keep the potato skins on.
?? that is not german, never in 38 years i had that salad here in germany
Simplistic and Tasty! Works well with a braai.
I love this dish. I add celery seeds for an extra touch.
Hey guys, as an native german/bavarian I have to tell you, that this salad has nothing to do with a german Potatoe Salad?
Rosemary instead of Parsley?????
I always wanted to learn how to make this … my mom use to take us to a German deli in Fremont Ca where we lived, it was so yummy.
The devils salt. Lol
It is I have a tooth ache to prove it.
I didn't think I could love you even more as a cooking stand up comedian but this recipe did it.
Lol chef John be like ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Having you,re feet nailed to the floor is worse than under cooked potatoes, or waking up naked in the doctors waiting room
i wonder why this potatoe salad is called "german". i am 50 year old living in germany my whole life and have never encountered this salad.
Wot no mustard?
Goodness! I bet that tastes fantastic!
Get some chopped pickles in there and you're good
I’ve never eaten a Kartoffelsalat like this in Germany. It looks more like Bratkartoffeln.
German bacon is not as fatty as American bacon. I don't think ANY bacon is as fatty as American bacon
I'm glad you didn't make a blasphemous potato salad that's served cold. Those can suck it.
Nice, I would be a philistine though and slightly saute the potatoes in the bacon fat after boiling them
Can you use regular russet potatoes? I can’t find German potatoes.
Hahahha never fail to make me chuckle
I love you videos ?????
Not really german, but a nice dish nevertheless. Thanks!
Should this be served chilled?
That looks yummy!
lmao … this guy talks funny
Whys my comment gone 🙁
This is no German recipe at all, but it sounds very delicious!
Love it !
American Made With German Parts !! German Food Rocks !!
Ummm…. Sugar?
THAT looks delicious!
Rahm Scnitzle,
probably really good with sour cream
Have had potato salad cooked in newspaper in an oven…..unfortunately the cook is no longer available
It’s pitching salad
Are you running out of ideas?
Hey Chef John, would you make a frittata? My son (who lives far away so I can't show him) loves making your recipes. He'd like to learn how to make frittata — I bet MANY others would too! Thank you.