Grilling Recipes

Carla Makes a Perfectly Crispy-Skinned Fish Fillet | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appetit

When it comes to achieving that perfectly cooked fillet with flawlessly crisped skin—so seemingly effortless when served at a restaurant—something usually goes wrong. The fish sticks. The skin rips. The flesh overcooks. But when you master this simple and reliable technique you’ll never go out for fish again.

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Carla Makes a Perfectly Crispy-Skinned Fish Fillet | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appetit


47 thoughts on “Carla Makes a Perfectly Crispy-Skinned Fish Fillet | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appetit

  • these videos went form being 2-3 mins long to being 15-20 mins long. i can say though i do prefer the 20 min long vids, they are so much more casual and not nearly as fast paced

  • who are these chefs?? I worked at a 2 michelin, fish centric restraurant. Making like 1/4 deep cuts across the skin will make it not bend up AND crisp better. How do "pro" chefs not know that?

  • If I put a piece of fish like that on the pass, the Head Chef would give me an almighty beasting and threaten to chop my balls off. Only exception would be blackened Cod or similar. There's caramelisation and there's burnt…

  • regardless of whether or not the fish is burned, We do know that that pan is ruined,,,,,

  • Love the video.
    Love the Carla.
    Love the process.
    Do not enjoy the motion sickness. Camera person – hold still damnit.
    Do not enjoy this side of the kitchen… it's, uncomfortable. Put the grill back on the right!

  • The camera person gave me a headache panning like that. Like wtf. Horrible

  • Guys, this is a big no-no, when you show de-attached recipe. If you wanted to show how to fry a fish properly – just do it. But if you wanna include a sauce in the end to plate it with – PLEASE DO SHOW how to make that sauce, don’t just say “oh, it’s just an olive salsa verde, no big deal”

  • That skin is Partially burnt and way too dark overall…..showcasing really low skill here

  • Heat is too high. Fish should be cooked on a medium heat. That way the skin won't get too dark before the fish is cooked. Sorry but this fish looks slightly burnt.

  • I can’t believe all of you went to culinary school and work for a reputable food magazine/company omg

  • Pan way too hot for fish she should have turned it down more once she put it in the pan also not enough oil in pan

  • the comments on these videos are always insane. people who think food is burnt because it's cooked well, 'raw' because it's medium-rare, 'not seasoned' because the chef used fresh herbs instead of covering it in goya sazon or mrs. dash. enjoy your poorly cooked processed food.

  • it looked good when she checked on it the first time.. then she just left it to burn

  • Do yourself a favor and just use a non stick pan. I'm no chef but a pretty experienced at home cook, and every time I've tried cooking fish in stainless steel pans it has been a sticking nightmare.

  • the camera is moving wayyyyy too much and it distracts from the rest of the video. to put it in bs cooking term: this video was rustically shot.

  • Im sure it tastes amazing, but i'd rather it to be more golden like, instead of a little burnt


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