Grilling Recipes

Recipe Demos for George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machine

This is a 1995 videotape in which recipes for the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine are demonstrated. Customers who purchased this George Foreman grill via the infomercial received this VHS tape to help them get started.

The videotape is hosted by, and the recipes demonstrated by, Cherie Calbom, who introduces herself as a nutritionist and cookbook author “known as the Healthy Gourmet.”

She begins by going over the basic uses of the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, plus how to clean it. Then she moves into the recipes, demonstrating each in turn.

The recipes she grills up include George’s Power Burger, fajitas, tacos, hot dogs, chicken parmesan, chicken caesar salad, grilled ginger lime swordfish, zesty shrimp kabobs and George’s ranch-style breakfast.


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