39 thoughts on “Quick Steak Grilling Tips

  • it's fun to see how far your kitchen and outside cooking deck has come in 5 years! But the important thing is the food and how it tastes. And that I'm sure came from your folks and probably their folks. I love tradition. Sometimes that means more to me than anything else, those things that were passed down with love from those that have moved on.

  • I like these older videos but you can really see how good Shannon has gotten over the years in editing and production.

  • The wife says. Your grill would not stick if you stop scraping the hell out of it with a wire brush, it's iron folks and you want to build up a patena on the iron, wipe your grill off when it's still warm, wadded up newspaper and olive oil will work and a hefty non-metal scrub brush, be patient and take care of your grill before it gets cold and all that food and sauce is dried and stuck on the metal over the years you will have the best grill ever and nothing will stick.

  • Thanks for the tips, my mom has glass dishes just like that, small world

  • I just bought my first bottle of lime juice! Lol. It works! Thank you Team Cookie.


  • The Safeway store here is having a ribeye bone in sale for $4.97 lb. this week, I couldn't pass that up.

  • Using a gas torch and saying "Just do it natural"!!!! smh

  • Man that filet was way too raw man … yuck .. bloody, practically still moving..

  • I prefer not adding all them fancy powder and lime juice flavors I like the taste of the meat…

  • Hell I use a whole onion to season my grill. Rub the shit out of it till the onion is black cut then start all over again

  • Kent your are such a awesome man i got so much respect and love for you brother god bless

  • Not at all true. I love your stuff though, you are awesome!!!! Myron Mixon uses a shit ton of lighter fluid and wins all kinds of awards, it burns off. Never use lighter fluid in a Komodo style grill though!

  • Goodness Sir, you been doing this video and cooking thing a while. I like going back and see how you did it back when. But I can't hang with you on that raw meat… lol.. I have to have mine without any red.

  • previous comment aside, i wish it was possible to see you and hank hill debate the merits of propane versus charcoal as you're both claiming the same results from your respective fuel sources. here's hoping mike judge gets wind of this and care to play along.

  • i know this is an old video but i hope you've stopped using bristled brushes to clean your grill. my father's a big grill and bbq guy and a couple of years ago he was using a standard wire grill brush to clean his grill. a wire bristle ended up getting stuck to the grill, got stuck to the meat and he swallowed it. that loose bristle ended up puncturing his intestine leading to a lot of internal bleeding and emergency surgery. please folks, get bristle free brushes.

  • Just ordered your 2 spices and cookbook, thank you for these videos they bring me great joy! God Bless you, Mr. Rollins.

  • Thank you for your comment about the meat thermometer people today don't think they can cook without all this stuff it amazes me at how people think they have to have a meat probe I may have to have a set of gloves oh my God how did we ever get this far people they think they have to consume consume consume to get anything done they have to rely on something else not their own smarts and instincts good job man

  • Don't get me wrong , I love your videos . But I only eat my steak with a little salt and pepper , If that . If I wanted to taste the seasoning you mentioned . I would eat it out of the container .

  • I love your technique it’s too bad I can’t cook my meats medium they have to well done to medium well because of my wife’s health.


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