34 thoughts on “Melted Onions-Recipe of the Week

  • No no no… You peel the onion completely, then cut down the middle halfway down. Slide a thin sliced of buttering there and then season with salt and pepper then you wrap it up in aluminum foil and put it on the coals… That's the correct way to do it.

  • I had a BLUE weber charcoal grill.. I loved it as I have not seen another till now.. Awesome!

    Btw, my first thought is the onions are basically being sweated down and becoming translucent just like in a pan… the only difference might be the smokey flavor induced by the charcoal.. will try this next time I bbq.. thanks!

  • Used this in a hot sauce , used charcoal with hickory wood on top. Turned out good, also tried the first layer that I could, it was amazing

  • To those critical of this, try it. Well worth the time. Not a grill sales gimmick.

  • I believe caramelised onion would be faster to prepare unless if you have the whole day to cook for those you love or if you are a passionate 🙂 but at the end this recipe looks delicious 😀

  • Sounds Nice but too much of a pain in the ass. Instead slice the onions, I use an apple corer being careful not to cut all the way through (I use Sweet Onions). remove the center of the onion that is left by the corer. Fill the area between the slices with butter, sprinkel with Garlic salt, Wrap in tin foil and place on the coals for about 20 minutes or until soft when squeezed with a pair of tongs. Unwrap and enjoy. Also If you like you can place a bullion cube in the center of the onion for a little different flavor. Very tasty and less work !!!!

  • Prueben sólo con jugo de limón, aceite de oliva y salpimentar… No es necesaria la mantequilla.

  • Mexicans been doing that since day 1.(wrap in foil so u don't burn it all up)
    Mush it all up and put lime and salt on it. Then put that shit on your tacos

  • I do this with whole eggplants. Then I mash it up with garlic, olive oil and lemon.

  • Dumb ass cooking for a bloody onion eat raw or grill and fry

  • cooking on aluminum is a bad bad bad idea. you just want to store food with aluminum, not cook with it.

  • take out the grate and THEN start pouring the coal…? Aaaah mind blown.
    These tips by and for americans, its so funny to see…

  • Damn Mexicans have been making this… this stupid whitey needs to put foil paper over those hoes… dummy

  • Weber is such a garbage company. Anyone knows you NEVER cook directly on a briquette. Lump charcoal, sure. Briquettes? Not ever. Binders and starters are toxic.

  • "…and what's underneath is this beautifully sweet, succulent, tender, euhh… onion." LOL. Thumbs up.


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