30 thoughts on “Grilling Lobster Tails

  • I love grilling lobster tails.

    It's elegant and so simple. Guests really light up when they see them coming off the grill and on a platter.

  • This is exactly what I will be grilling up this weekend. Thanks for the Herbs De Provence suggestion.

  • would it hurt the taste if you just put the butter on the lobster after you flipped it over the first time and just let it melt into it while its on the grill or no?

  • quick question: Your thoughts on Gas vs Coal? I've tried to adapt to gas but I'm so used to charcoal. I make three zones moving the charcoal around so I can cook a whole bunch of food at different temps, something much easier to do with controlled flame. Wondering if anyone has an opinion on taste…Cheers, -Allan

  • Thanks, BBQ'd lobster last night per your directions.It was great… Boiled some carrots and put them and some asparagus on the barby and basted them with a little bit of Teriyaki sauce. The asparagus was a little crunchy just like how my wife loves them. 

  • That's it?! Wow…simple! …I can do this and I'm the least of all cooks and grillers….like literally LOL

  • Nice job on the tails. I've grilled many things but not Lobster tail. A friend who's a chef gave me a few tails to take home and I'll cook them tonight. I won't split them like the butcher though, I'll just cut the shell down the middle, loosen the meat, and cook it in the shell. Add a nice Steak, and the wife and I will have a lovely dinner…as long as I don't drink too many beers
     Funny comment to cagammon, I think he doesn't cook much seafood on the grill.
     Thanks man.

  • hola!! questions.. I have NEVER cook seafood on the grill,I want to try this!! my inlaws are coming in 3weeks.. once getting the lobsters in the kitchen.. do I clean them with water,and dry them out?? at what temperature should the grill be?? 400+?? how or when do u know when to turn them over? would u put salt and pepper on them or just plain?? should I buy expense butter for better flavor?? thanks so much., I'm going to try this gracias

  • How do ya'll get past the steam crab and lobster? I can't even get to grill bake or fry it! hehehe

  • bbq, that had to be a troll comment…your way i do very similar except give it a nice brush or baste after the first flip. i dont know if it helps at all but it makes me happy. nice vid, short n to the point


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