Top 10 Charcoal Grilling Tips for Beginners
I want to apologize in advance about the audio, my neighbor has a rusty whirly bird attic fan that you can hear whistling in the background.
I have been grilling using a charcoal weber grill for about four years now and in this video I share with you my top 10 Charcoal Grilling tips. I made this video to help out people that are new to charcoal grilling. There’s a nice aroma and experience that comes from grilling on a charcoal grill versus a gas/propane grill.
For some awesome recipes check out the BBQ Pit Boys
*Marinades – Thanks to those chiming in regarding the reuse of marinade. I just learned something new. You can reuse the marinade that came into contact with raw mean ONLY if you boil it. Boiling it kills the harmful bacteria. If you do this, use it the same day.
Some of my Favorite Marinades:
Lawry’s Steak & Chop
Korean BBQ Beef Kalbi
Korean BBQ Chicken Pork Spicy
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Weber Charcoal Grill – 22 inch
Charcoal Chimney
Grill Brush
Extra Long Grill tongs
Weber Original Tongs
Instant Read Meat Thermometer
Digital Meat Thermometer with Probe
Pork Belly Tacos
Pork Carnitas on the Grill
Best Grilled Chicken Recipe
How to use charcoal Chimney
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Thank you so much for the informative and speedy response. I will try the 2 zone method this year [I've only done it w turkey in the middle]. I live in Southern California, so it's our family tradition to barbecue a turkey outside — Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks again!
How many briquettes do you start with, and how many and how often do you need to replenish [cooking a turkey, so a few hours]?
Great video man!! I just picked up this Weber grill from someone moving, With the chimney for $20!!! I’m super psyched to try this!!!
Thanks for the great tips
Miguel is totally right. I bought a cheap $59 one from home depot and I had to return it two days later to get a weber. There's a definitely a difference.
great info miguel im learning to use the grill
Very good tips. This guy knows what he is talking about. I just subbed
good tips,thanks; gotthe same grill but those blades on the bottomfroze and dont slideto get ashes out,any suggestios?
migeul do a vid on the new portable charcoals one staht use batters i for afan portable cahrcoal grills im sunb scribing naywy borother free
hwta is diffrenece migeul between havy duty alfoil i njyts ahve always buses cheap alfoil to keep my cooked emat safe
me too migeul i like my botoms when im fuking fully open until im arrived then they can slwoly c,ose with all my spoof these cunts this webebr snot unlike ahot girl
migeul you are awesome mate great tips your acool lokking dude
hers another tip keepp the ashess and spread over yer grdaen when things like cucomber watermelons are ready to bear fruoiyt this stiuff is high in potassiu8m and they love taht or seeweed mixture or cow manure there teh best naturalll manures
greta ideas no need for tin foil and water etc
I have like this grill but useless after that's I brought primo grill so good
Love this guy! Good common sense. Safety netting around the trampoline – what a good dad!
Thanks man
Oil spray tips:
Do not spray over got anything!
If it catches fire while you spray it will instantly reach and ignite your oil canister creating a small fire bomb and you'll find yourself in the hospital with Burns!
You can spread oil like in the video with a napkin holding it from a far or simply spray your food (again not over hot stuff)
Check your type of oil:
canola oil reaches 204c/400f
Soon flower oil reaches 232c/450f
Refined Peanut oil reaches almost 232c/450f
If possible use high temp oil
Use wood
I feel like a real man now
Just watched your video after ording a Weber grill! THanks for the tips here! I only went with the 18 inch one , it doesnt have the temp gauge like the larger one is. I assume that it isnt a deal breaker but just didnt need a larger one. :/
Is kingsford coal's good? Asking always cooked with mesquite
So why for tip one
I wound up getting a Oklahoma Joe's bandera smoker. I nearly got a Weber, in order to smoke as you do. None the less, I'm gonna use a lot of these tips when I'm camping.
Thanks for the great video!
This was great info! Thanks for the posting!
I feel like Randy on south park in the creme fraiche episode…
BEST tips dude 10 out of 10 for great hints, i just put our first Barbie kettle grill together and about to cook with it for the first time and you prob just saved me from it being a disaster..
I will comment again after we finish cooking and eating what we cook and let you know how it tastes..CROSSED FINGERS that I get it perfect Miguel…
Ps: Im a single widowed Mum of 2 and its my first time cooking a bbq since my Husband passed away 10yrs ago..
I never bbq-ed anything before. A little bit more confident now but will save for future reference.
I just wasted 7 mins of my life….damn…
What's the purpose of wraping the meat in aluminum foil after cooking it? Thanks.
You’re awesome, thanks for this
About to cook some carne asada in Panama City Beach! ? ? ?
This guy just simplified all the Weber kettle videos on YouTube in a few minutes. Thank you!
Great video, Miguel! I've been meaning to make one myself for friends and family new to the grilling/smoking/bbq world.
Thank you