Grilling Recipes

Grilling LANGOUSTINES Norwegian Lobster | Bart van Olphen

My absolute favourite way to cook seafood is by keeping it as simple as possible so that you experience the real flavour of the fish, or in this case, the langoustine! I drizzle the langoustines (or Norwegian lobster) with a garlicky lemony olive oil with fresh parsley and grill them in 4-6 minutes. Stack ‘em up on a big plate and serve with some parts of lemon. Enjoy!

You can find the full recipe here: coming soon

See you next Fishy Friday!



22 thoughts on “Grilling LANGOUSTINES Norwegian Lobster | Bart van Olphen

  • I'm proud to be a fishy friend of yours! I hope you'll come to Sweden and taste the best we have. Mostly herring, but that is a best that really deserve the title of "Best".

  • Hey Bart, have you done anything with say monk, rock, or Cuttlefish? Idk if they’re sustainable but I thought maybe if you hadn’t maybe you might do one of those?

  • Wow-Wee-Wow! I love Langoustines, very sweet succulent little dudes. Thanks Bart. ???

  • As a fellow Dutch person… I love you, this recipe is great, my mouth is watering, but your English is horrible ??

  • The shells make the most amazing seafood stock. Don't throw them away!

  • Another fantastic dish! Keep up the great work. It is so good to have your videos.

  • Norwegian lobster is easier to spell. Looks like a dish to impress friends for dinner. One to try, haven't as yet, and you make it look easy to prepare. Mussels and pasta for dinner tonight though. Thankyou for the inspiration Bart.

  • dearest Barty! Hi! Welcome to MY region of the world. In Sweden we normally eat crayfish in the summer and we just love those crayfish parties!

    Byt hey Bart, a quick question for you. What is the difference between normal, dark, reddish crayfish and Norwegian lobster. They are just different species??

    And which species can I call langoustines? Only this one or is it a collective name for a group of crayfish?


    happy you were back today 'cause I really missed Fishy Friday Barty…

    I will miss your show until next time.

    Best wishes,

    Me in Sweden.

  • Yummie looks very delicious. Bedankt Bart ! Heerlijk dadelijk om op tafel te zetten in de tuin. Nu het zonnetje nog


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