The Serious Eats Guide to Charcoal Grilling
Break out that charcoal grill this weekend, people.
Break out that charcoal grill this weekend, people.
What is the best natural non harmful way to grill with still great tasting results?
its never too cold for grilling season
@4:13 boy thats raw
Fire the hipster-asshole who picked the music for this vid. Wrong music for a BBQ vid.
Why did he test the raw chicken?
Great Tutorial Thanks!!
I burn my neighbors cat in a grill like this , I made them eat it , those bastards didn’t have to call the IRS on me
Excellent Video of Charcoal Grilling friend.
How many people leave the lid off and burn the shit out of anything they cook?!
Meat in the end looked bloodier than Mary
3:58 What about smoking low and slow? Guidelines say vents over the food which contradicts what you say.
How do you turn off the charcoal once you have finished cooking. Do you pour water or just let it burn out? Can it be reused, in case you pour water?
The charcoal chimney starter is the best way to start a fire… I have not bought lighter fluid in almost 20 years. A couple of pages from the newspaper and a match and in 15 – 20 mins you are cooking.
1:01 "Perfect, still nice and raw."
When I try to stop fire flares by closing the vents, my meet gets covered in soot.
That steak at the end was raw as fuck :cwl:
I don't think that guy needed a thermometer to know his chicken wasn't fully cooked.
1) Don’t be black
Soft bristle brush? Only an idiot would take the risk of wire in their intestine.
Music too distracting
Will the nickel plated steel grate leach into my food? Or am I good?
Starting a fire – you can use alcohol/lighter cubes. They're like 10-30 cent each.
Music too loud
Handy video!! Keep up the good work!! 🙂
some good tips om this clip !
Well made instructional! I actually saved a screenshot of the 4 coal configurations. I made all the mistakes you mention, and then some.
Whose knife is that at 4:12?
You should edit this to remove the suggestion for wire grill brushes, they are quite dangerous, you can use a ball of aluminum foil, see this study
Just kidding, I love charcoal grilling and this a great video. Once you go charcoal its hard to go back to propane, it just has no flavor
Did you guys poach folks from ChefSteps?
No better time to put out your grilling guide than the last month of summer.
Oiling grill grates make no sense unless you're cooking lid on at low temperatures. The grate surface in direct heat cooking reaches well over 500 deg F with the lid off, making short work of any oil on the grate surface. Better to brush oil on the surface of the food and move it around during direct heat cooking.
So much good information here in under 5 minutes! I wish there had been a video like this when I was first starting out!
Better read meatheads science of bbq.
Wow!! Very interesting
They weather has been warm for 4 months
This was very informative! ?