48 thoughts on “The Art of Grilling: How to Grill Flank Steak

  • 2:44 that looks like well done to medium lmao what are you talkng about, plus just cut it straight down, instead of trying to get an angle with your cut, that just makes it worse!

  • The reason for all the “agains” is because he recorded more than one video back to back. He’s saying a lot of the same stuff.

  • 85% of all illnesses wethers its neurological/fysical starts in our gut,
    our gut is designed to digest meats, animal foods…
    vedgtable oils such as, " nut oils, seed oils , all liquid oils overall,
    causes heart problems, it calcifies your arteries…
    just try boiling some butter into clarified butter, and you will have an healthy frying oil.
    humans need Saturated fats, not unsaturated fats… our brain is 66% fats, and most of it is saturated fats,
    also 1-3% is omega 3, which tells me, and tells you that you need to consume Fish on a regular basis,
    or you might end up retarded. like most of the people strolling the earth. NOOBS

  • vedgetables are also toxic, try eat 5 raw onions and youll probably die of the antibiotics…
    our gutflora is made from bacteria. using raw onions,garlic will damage it…
    even if u cook it u destroy some of the antibacterial stuff.. but u wont destroy all of it.
    plus while heating a steak you destroy the water+ fat soluable vitamins…
    im a raw carnivore i just wanted to see how ppl prepare this piece of meat,
    that carcinogenic crust wont do you any good either with leaky gut syndrome. "which all humans has"
    spinach has oxalate acids, which gives you kidney stones + kidney failure… please
    read into how we humans ate in the early days,,, Every piece of meat was eaten raw to 80% and
    20% of our diet was cooked meat, why? because we slaugthered an " animal " ate all the organs raw,
    and the left overs had to be cooked over an fire to close the Meatcells from letting bacteria enter.
    aka Smoking the meat. preserves it…
    anyhow by cooking meat u destroy its life giving force. unfortunately…..
    p.s the inutes, senegalesic tribe, and massai tribes in africa has 1 thing incommon,
    they do not get sicknesses/illness such as " strokes,heartattacks,dementia,constipation…
    cancer,brain ilnesses… + 100 other common shit u get from eating carbohydrates…
    they all got 1 thing incommong, they eat 80% raw meats/fish, and 20% cooked meats/fish.
    they do not, absolutely not eat " veggies,carbs,fibers"… since we need an pH value in our stomach acid as high as 4,5
    while carnivores. aka humans,lions,wolfes. has 1,5pH as maximum values, forgot to type in voltures too,
    those who eat " rotten cadavers on the prairie…" yes we humans have eaten fermented foods for generations,
    it helps us with our vitamin k2 and k6 intake…

  • how to make an healthy steak into an unhealthy steak, Pour toxic olive oil over it…
    are you fucking retarded? and also if u want a rare piece of meat, its 30 seconds per side. and
    you keep flippin it til u reached ur fav charedness….
    And btw Raw olives are toxic AS fuck…
    Id rather use Clarified butter preheated to "40"degrese celcius to turn it into liquid oil….
    what an amature….

  • try marinating them in fresh squeezed bitter orange juice then seasoning them with orange pepper, a little lemon pepper and lime juice or season all, lime juice and some orange pepper so you can see how we mexicans throw down

  • I only eat one side of my meat. I save the other side for later. ?

  • I'm sorry but that is not the way that you cook flank steak better said from where I am from vacio….

  • Again…Again….Again..Again….Again…Again……..Again……Again….Again……..Wow!

  • Sorry i'm not into eating meat with the blood coming out . Like my Cow to be dead before I eat it.

  • Dude again again again aging again again this aggginn eggin agggaaaggiiiinnnnnnn best agin ever avians ndnannsjjavshsjsjhfhjsjxbdjjdh ??‍♂️

  • Was there a prequel to this video where he previously covered all these tips? And then AGAIN said them AGAIN ?

  • ??? Again… I should have never read the comments before trying to watch this.

  • extra virgin olive oil is for salads only it can't cope with heat north of 350F

  • Why put the oil on after you take it out of the grill ??????

  • "Art of Manliness" yet use a gas grill. ? Man has been cooking over wood since the creation!

  • When did he say anything the first time, let alone again? lol

  • Most people say again when theyre repeating something they said earlier, but you say again just for the hell of saying it…please stop


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