Smoking vs. Grilling | BBQ
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Speaker 1: [Background music] Today we’re gonna tell you the difference between grilling and smoking. Both are excellent techniques to use outside when you’re barbecuing. Grilling is going to be a more intense heat, a quicker cooking time. Really when you want to seer a meat is gonna be perfect for that. Smoking is taking a larger cut of meat that needs a longer period of cooking time at a lower temperature. The low and slow method which you may have heard of. So you’re gonna be taking the meat putting it away from the fire. You’re gonna be actually using a lower fire too. Grilling you’re maybe using 400, 500 degrees. Smoking you’re probably like 200 to 250 degree angle. But both techniques are really amazing to produce some really amazing barbeque.
Speaker 2: Yeah and we really encourage you to get out an try both. Great examples of grilling steaks are fantastic for it, seafood, shrimp in short periods of time, easy to do. Now if you’re doing the smoking, things like pork butt, brisket, It take a little bit longer time but we always ‘cuz it’s time to hang out with family and friends. Maybe have a drink or two.
Speaker 1: Yeah we really encourage you to try both though like we said these are both terrific methods and don’t be afraid if you’ve never grilled or never smoked. Try it. A lot of people have grilled but they haven’t smoked ‘cuz they’re are afraid of these big pieces of meat. Just give it a try. Like Bret likes to say if it doesn’t turn out right you can always order a pizza. So the big things to take away from this are grilling equals hot and fast, smoking equals low and slow. So go out there, fire up the grill, fire up the smoker, give it shot.
Good video. Short, sweet, and to the point.
Tell us your opinion about our grills!thanks!
It is considering where I came from… LOL
mind i ask what video brought you here? Pinkie Pie finally go nuts an make a horse steak out of Twilight Sparkle?
Whoops, wrong click. Back to ponies.
I was actually watching Black Sabbath – Iron Man! No joke, that's what brought me here.
May that's what the world needs. All races united under ribs, steak, chicken, & pork chops.
your youtube name gives you a full description of your personality
How to bbq?This is goofy,everyone knows all you got to do is dump some BBQ sauce on your food and its BBQ…
I know the difference! Smoking uses this magical item called a cigarette lighter, while grilling uses black magic cubes and lighter fluid!
i have nicknamed the guy on the left "bob"
i cam here from racism videos.. what??
Batman brought me here…?
pork butt……gross
I thought it was a portal gun xD
The guy on the right looks autistic
You would be surprised :/ .
i got here from fight videos
What a pointless video, who doesn't already know this shit?
I don't drink … but i do smoke… my meat =D HA fucking get it? cuz the vid is about smoking
I don't grill much, but I smoke every day.
how the hell did i get here from watching COD zombies? WTF?!?!?!?!
Ph I see what you did there…
Oh yea and I don't drink of smoke
Grilling does not make barbecue.
<3 we all have those days my friend.. you should drink more and smoke less.. it will all make much more since to you 😛
Well I feel like an idiot.
did they just tell me to try smoking?
nah man im just fucking with you lol.
Well, that's my only guess that's how you got here from masturbating so either WTF or you're as you say, "just gay…"
And dude, it was just a joke.
LOL, teabaggerz
dude thats just gay….
1:15 BIG Pieces of MEAT
And that's why faggot vegans like yourself never get invited to the fun parties.
he's encouraging smoking!
This gave me the weirdest boner.
hillbillies love their smoked pig anus
Yes! Back on the good side of youtube again! Thank god!