How to Make Grilled Potato Wedges | Grilling Recipes |
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Tender on the inside and crispy on the outside, these spuds are the perfect combination of baked and grilled potatoes. Watch this video to find out about our two-step method of cooking potatoes first in boiling water and then on the grill. We season the potatoes with rosemary and garlic, but you can use your favorite seasoning blend. We hope you’ll enjoy this quick and easy recipe!
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Any small Youtuber want to support each other. ?
Another dish added to my meal prepping. ?
skin side down? FAIL
Annoying music! Good recipe! Lose the music!
Will definitely try these!
I don't pre-boil them, I just drizzle with olive oil, season with whatever I'm in the mood for, and start them over direct heat on the grill. You get nice grill marks that way. Once they're marked, they are nearly done, but, can move to indirect heat to finish.
Yes! Looks yummy… ?love potatoes
I always bake my potato wedges…grill doesn't sit right with me
Good sounding recipe that I want to try. Had to view the video 3 times to get it as the ingredients are hard to read in the format as presented. Can you do something about that?
Looks delish, will try,
Good the video was short, music was starting to bother 🙂
Gotta try this…looks yummy..
OK, who gave the fucking hipster the video editing job. Christ, Please go back to the old way.
thank you for not using the microwaves, nice recepie
i would char the meat with blow torch to make them appetizing 🙂
Is it possible to switch around the music? :]
They look great.
I bet the grill does wonderful things for the flavor.
Gotta try this. Looks great