Grilling Recipes

How to make Grilled Chicken Parmesan – Weber Genesis – Everyday BBQ

Decided to give the Weber Genesis some love. I hope you enjoy this recipe!

Amazon Affiliate Links for items used in this video and others:

Blackstone 36″ Griddle Cooking Station – I LOVE THIS THING!!!!!)

Backyard Life Gear Stainless Steel Cover for 36 inch Blackstone Griddle – NEW IN THIS VIDEO!

Blackstone Griddle Grease Slide from Backyard Life Gear

Disinfect Wipes:

My Cutting Board

Godmorn 8″ Chef’s Knife – Rust free German Stainless Steel

Pit Barrel Cooker Co. Affiliate Links:

Full size 18.5″ Cooker (the one we have in the video)

Pit Barrel Cooker Co. Main Site:


Trim and cut chicken breasts into desired size an tenderize. BE SURE TO WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE AND AFTER as well as clean and sanitize the entire area that you used to tenderize!

Make marinade using:

Approx 1 tablespoon of oil
2-3 tablespoons of ZESTY Italian Dressing
1 Tablespoon of Parmesan Cheese
some Black Pepper (optional)

Allow the meat to marinate for as many hours as possible, the longer the better and more tender it will be.

Grills the chicken until you reach roughly 160-165 BUT YOU’RE NOT DONE YET!

In a glass bowl sprayed with some cooking spray, place some of your favorite marinara sauce at the bottom along with a small amount of Parmesan cheese. Place the chicken on top and then cover the chicken with more sauce then top it with as much Mozzarella and Parmesan as you like!

Cover with foil and place back on the grill until everything is cooked the way you like and plenty melty!

Remove, and ENJOY!!!


21 thoughts on “How to make Grilled Chicken Parmesan – Weber Genesis – Everyday BBQ

  • Hey Mike, you need to check out food wishes on YT (if you haven't already). Chef John has 2 deconstructed parm videos you need to watch (if you haven't already). Then combine the two like I plan to (if you haven't already). I'll use the Weber kettle though. And, black pepper should be a food group. Another 'thumbs up'.

  • Yep, that's a winner. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! No, really. "I'm gonna let you guys go, so I can finish eating." My momma used to say, "I'm gonna go to bed, so y'all don't feel like you need to stay any longer." LOL

  • Very Pleased!>>> I received my Griddler yesterday. This morning I cooked bacon/eggs on it with no problem. This evening I cooked a 1-inch Rib-eye steak on my Griddler with excellent results. Cooking the steak was as simple as it gets. The steak was set to sear at 450 degrees for two minutes and then the Griddler automatically steps down the cooking temperature to 425 degrees. The steak cooked for a total of 8 minutes in the full contact configuration. When done, I ended up with a nice medium to medium-rare steak. I have used the product twice and I am impressed. Great job Cuisinart! Plus, clean-up was very easy.

  • Wow that chicken Parmesan looked great. I’ve never used glass cook wear on a grill before. Do you do that often? Has it ever cracked? I imagine if it is on indirect heat, like that was, it is no different than a oven but it might be dangerous on direct heat. Right?

  • Awe man, that looks so good!! I love me some chicken parm!! Congrats on the 1000 subs!! Keep the videos coming! God bless and Merry Christmas!!


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