Grilling Recipes

How to Grill for Beginners : Grilling & Cooking

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Grilling for beginners will require you to keep your grill fairly clean. Find out how to grill for beginners with help from an experienced culinary professional in this free video clip.

Expert: Tony Matassa
Bio: Chef Tony Matassa was trained in his family’s restaurant.
Filmmaker: Kamyren Nield

Series Description: When it comes to grilling, there are always a few key steps you want to take before you begin for the maximum amount of safety. Put it on the grill with help from an experienced culinary professional in this free video series.


21 thoughts on “How to Grill for Beginners : Grilling & Cooking

  • Is it me or did that zucchini fall down to the grill flames

  • You need time management course, veggies take longer time than burgers to be cooked, plus if it’s for beginners how come you didn’t mention any cooking time!

  • Totally worthless. Do I clean the grill before grilling? How do I clean it after? How long do I leave meat on? How do I care for the grill? Thanks for showing me the two most obvious parts, that I turn the grill on and that I put food on it.

  • i disagree with letting meat sit out for 30 min before grilling. Cold ground meat will retain more fat, flavor and moisture after grillling

  • so what does a beginner supposed to lear from this video ….NOTHING ……CRAP VIDEO

  • Olive oil? Haha, good for flavor but not really grilling! You need some high smoke point oil like canola!

  • This is glorious, been searching for "bbq with charcoal" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Ariafan Barbecue Babassu – (just google it ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my friend got cool results with it.

  • You had no explanation as to where you placed the veggies or burger nor to how much time u took to flip either or. It was very helpful in the sense that you need controlled temperatures however the details were lacking. It would be nice if you could explain more because the pattys you cooked looked amazing. Remember, ur audience are beginners, they neither know nor heard the terms you use. But i would truly appreciate it if you'd post another video with in depth illustrations of the type of meat, grilling time, heat temp (low, medium, high, medium-low etc) and definitely, the type of seasonings you use


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