Grilling: Indirect Heat on a Gas Grill
Elizabeth Karmel, author of Taming the Flame and creator of, demonstrates how to set up a gas grill for indirect grilling–what you’ll need to use when preparing food that takes more than 20 minutes to cook.
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Grilling: Indirect Heat on a Gas Grill
Someone sent their trolls to harass this instructor. Dont let the trolls bother you.The obvious her is that your very good at what you do and your competitor is jealous. Its not normal to EVER see such a large amount of idiotic remarks in a video.
I thought she was great and I LOVED that massive grill. She answered questions I needed answers to that none of the other videos even touched on.
This was the best instructions I’ve received on the net. Thank you!
My second George Foreman grill.>>> I had one of the old ones that was tricky to clean so I am really appreciating the ease of popping out the grill plates on this one. It also has a better drippings tray. I'm not sure my first one even came with one. Regardless, it's an improvement. Same great grill taste and much easier clean up. Recommend!
Worked awesome… I have to agree with some of the others though. Title should have been titled for beginners.
My grill always goes to 700. I will try this and see if I can get it to stay at a lower heat. I hope so… Turkey legs tonight.
I got to get me a rib rack!!
How miserable do you have to be to make fun of a demonstration? It is step by step instruction, which is what you need when you've never done something before.
I can't believe Epicurious would have a spokesman say such obvious things like making sure you have enough propane. Really! This was not very helpful; most of what she said was so obvious!
This lady also appeared on Mastermind. Specialist subject The F###ing obvious.
You're right. you can make your workout sessions much more productive if your eating the right foods to avoid fat and belly.
btw!but ye do you know about the 7 odd foods that kill belly fat if you don't know about them you must see this.
you can watch out here
"#1 – you always wanted to lift the lid of the grill." Thank God I came here first!
The patio and grill IS NOT an extension of the kitchen. Where's George Foreman when you need him?
well, this was a waste of my time.
@DannyBruiz also, "Putting a hand here" willl also BBQ your hand!
LMAO. She's trying to brush off her brand-spanking, never-before-used grill she got from a promotional deal. BTW as part of the promotional deal the mfrs. required that the grill never be shown with any signs of smoke, char, grease, or meat residue on it whatsoever.
BTW that brass brush tends to work a lot better when there's black stuff on the grill. Protip: we'll take your grill lot more seriously if it looks like you've actually used the thing.
Is she teaching a kindergarten class!!!!!!!! lmao
@Jackle61 For sure. I was referring to video
@senser1080 I wouldn't be to sure about that. Some of us could grill circles around her, especially on charcoal or smoking.
@Jackle61 Well I don't think any of them are grilling experts.
thats a BIG ASS GRILL, i dont think i could fit it on my 5×10 ft
turn on the two side burners and turn off the two middle burners. the two side burners should be at a moderate heat (350 F) but you can go as low as 300 F and up to 400 F. dont forget to close your lid.
If she had pre heated that grill to 500 degrees, she would not have her hand anywhere near the grates while brushing.
4 burners huh think about it, you want the center to be off so you can put your food in the middle, so think, you should turn off the first 2 inner burners and keep the two outer burners on medium. Its not a a hard concept. If you only have 2 burners which I have, then I turn one burner on medium and have the other side burner turned off, and on that burner is where the meat is put on, not on the burner that is on.
isn't grilling for guys lol
WOW, thanks for teaching me how to light YOUR grill…. why would you include that? not all grills light the same way. Mines got an electric start. Kind of odd to include that part. You should cane whichever producer put that bit in the segment.
And who the fuck boils meat before they grill it? Anyone knows that if you Par Boil which is what its called it takes the natural flavor out of the meat.
Bitch please gimme some Sweet Baby Ray's spicy BBQ sauce Kingsford Matchlight and some hickory wood chips I'll show you some fuckin ribs HAHAHAHA
Wow, you're complaining about someone cooking. How amazing. Enjoy your nanny state.
those ribs are cooked wrong… their is no flavour and they are not seared off first so all the juices would be lost …
Marinate your ribs first !!!! sear off, marinare for 6 hours in bbq sauce then grill on LOW for about 2 hourst then add more bbq sauce.
dont listen to this crap.
nice sizzling sound @ 2.30 :S
Who does she think we are? Nobody I know has a $5000, six burner stainless steal grill the size of a small car. I'm surprised she didn't show us how to have the personal chef cook it.
Show us something we can actually use!
tha is a bas ass gril O_O im hungry
You can NOT put your hand on top of the cleaning brush if the grill is REALLY preheated to 500 degrees!
6 burner grill! Must be nice. I did not find much of her information useful.
please i beg u stop looking at my channel