Grilled Catfish With Butter : Summer Grilling
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Grilled catfish with butter requires little more than basic seasonings to taste absolutely delicious. Make grilled catfish with butter with help from this year’s winner of NBC’s next local TV Chef in this free video clip.
Expert: Laura Hahn
Bio: Laura Hahn was recently a winner of NBC’s next local TV Chef.
Filmmaker: Ed Candelora
Series Description: When summertime finally rolls around, grilling definitely won’t be far behind. Learn about great grilling recipes for the summer with help from this year’s winner of NBC’s next local TV Chef in this free video series.
It looks undercooked.
What a dumb bitch, you could tell that was her first time grilling catfish
Looks awesome am going to do this tonight. Thank you.
What specific type of catfish was that? Channel? Blue? Wels?
And make sure the catfish is dead before you cook it.
This was easy and delicious.
"so you just wanna make sure that you're checking it," immediately turns her back on it :p
Great Video , thanks for posting!
Dat grill doe
FYI mainly talking about the grillÂ
Kitchen looks fucking nasty, Proper chefs cook in clean kitchens
great job! thanks im bout to cook some!!
Looks great. I love catfish