Grilled Bacon Meatloaf Burger – How to Make Bacon Meatloaf Burgers
Learn how to make a Grilled Bacon Meatloaf Burger! Visit for the ingredients, more information, and many, many more video recipes. I hope you enjoy this amazing Bacon Meatloaf Burger recipe!
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Ohhh mmahhh gwad…this looks amazing. The long weekend is coming up I better run to st. Lawrence to buy some ground beef and make this ASAP.
Please start making videos in 4k, would make my wife scream!
what kind of brown sugar do you use? it looks fancy
"Damp hands make smooth balls, but they also make smooth burgers."
I don't know why, but I laughed really hard hahahahahaha
whushter-shire sauce π
…left-over bacon ?
Am I the only person who would NOT complain if even one of his recipes did not have Cayenne? I'd be so happy.
Kids, never overwork your meat lmao
Worcestershire = wuster – sher
please respond? π
Innuendo there Chef John? lol Great Recipe!
Would love to see you colab with Jamie Oliver on his channel haha
"That's right!" lol. I live the up and down-ness of his voice when he speaks. I'm vegetarian but I still watched this because his videos are just so entertaining and almost soothing? Or maybe I'm just fat and like staring at food all day
Is it necessary to drop the egg into the bowl 3 ft away ?
mmmm delicious!!
chef john innuendo game strong
OMG it make my tummy grow for 33 year now that look delisous but I don't have enough thing on the beats
The little chef who thought he could… "I think Cayenne I think Cayenne I think Cayenne!" π
Thanks John, I'll use pepperoni and bacon next time, I won't be sharing the recipe with you!
ROFL! "Chef John finally got a grill, and he was so excited he started talking in the third person." That just cracked me up! I know… I'm easy…
BTW, a true grillmaster has no hair on his forearms. If he does, he's been slacking off.
Its 4am and now, I'm hungry… X_x
keep away from hamburglar
Chef John: you've changed my life! I never thought I could cook until I started watching your videos. I really, really want to thank you.
Chef John. I tried this recipe today. You blog is well laid out and easy to read flipping between the video. But I didn't have Kosher salt so I used under half regular salt. I didn't have fresh ground blackpepper so I used pre-ground. I didn't have onion or garlic powder so I used a garlic/onion cube. And most regrettably I didn't have cayenne… So I used a local (Jamaican) hot sauce that looks and tastes like liquid cayenne. I also used a little bit too much mince so I made 1/3 pounders. And one more thing… I didn't have chips so I used lef..(*clears throat) EXTRA bacon to the side. Besides all that… It was goooooooood. Please keep being an inspiration to cook and keep up the great work.
I wish I could find tomatoes that looked that good
No bacon left behind Chef John
man o man, do i love your foods. i love how your favorite sauce is my favorite sauce.. ket, must, and mayo… you rock… π
Chef John, your buns are so soft. How are they, toasted on the grill?
You flip a burger ONLY ONCE!!! What happened to you Chef John?
"And he was so excited, he started talking into third person."
If you arrange your coals in a donut pattern and leave the center coal-less, you'll have a safe spot to move your meat to when flareups occur. You can also try dividing the coal bed half coal, half no coal to obtain a safe spot. You. probably knew this but thought I"d mention it
that is a lot of salt if you ask me
Too many comments to see if this has been asked, but that new grill looks like a Big Green Egg, best there is!
Chef John, I love your ingenuity, but can I ask, why not just buy a grill? I hear Webers are pretty good.
New grill!
I like to overwork my meat