Food Wishes Recipes – Grilled Game Hens Recipe – Garlic and Pepper Marinated Game Hens Recipe
Learn how to make a Garlic and Pepper Marinated Game Hens Recipe! Visit to get more info, and watch over 350 free video recipes.
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In this one he was alot more subdued. Which means he does that voice thing on purpose lol
No seasoning at all..Bland..SMH
You were right Chef John. They are breed of chicken. They may not be a hen though. Cornish game hens are about half roosters. The hens will have more visible fat under the skin, and appear a little yellow. Good recipe! I like the split bird grilled.
i've been watching chef john for 6 hours straight. lol
Btw just incase you didn't know, The reason there called Cornish Game Hens, is because they originally come from/orignated from the Southwest English county known as Cornwall. And if you come from Cornwall your said to be Cornish. Hense the Hens hail from Cornwall thus are Cornish.
Awesome, I just bought 4 game hens this weekend (frozen). I haven't had them in years. Last time I baked them with a lemon rice stuffing. But grilling sounds really good. Oh and you're right, that is a damn nice looking skin on those! mmm.
Agreed. If you can't control your mouth, then you shouldn't be watching cooking videos in the first place.
You should remind people to be careful handling those peppers and make sure they wash their hands well with soap after they handle them or there will be a lot of burned eyes, noses and lips.
I love you…no homo Freakin looked awesome!!
Huge props…. Your videos have excellent execution which is rare to find on youtube.
@mf9120 you're actually really pathetic.
Cornish game hens are actually a breed of chicken, not baby chickens. I have a bunch out in a coup. If you havnt tried your bird fresh you need to try it some time. Sooo much better tasting than the store. We like to eat them after they have marinated in italion dressing for 24 hrs and then put on the grill. Oh so delish! Fresh quail is also good if you like farm raised game birds.
@kotk05 I like your tummy hahhaahah
Oh yeah baby……….Imma try that now
@ric0h Spy!
I'm going to gut you like a cornish game hen.
Did he say Cornish game hen? I live in Cornwall ^_^
looks amazing!
thanks for the recipe dude
had a good barbeque this hot days bro
This looks so good. cant wait to get a new grill
@mf9120 If you were referring to the soap part obvious, i know it is, I've tried it numerous time and i never check on how to get rid off it until i saw chef john used garlic in this video and thought about it.
@CollegeLoheart Well if you're gonna go that far, might as well stop brushing your teeth with toothpaste, stay off of carpets, out of large cities, not drive, stay out of crowds of people, stop using soap and shampoo, stop using cellphones or be near anyone who does, don't get a tan, don't go to the doctor's office or dentist, don't use smoke detectors…basically join the Amish community.
key word is MOIST π chicken always dries up on me!!
How do i prevent that from happening Chef John?!
You amaze me everytime chef John
Well done Chef!
@CollegeLoheart OMG, what happened with "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that… but thanks for letting me know"?
One thing is not knowing, but to resort to that kind of language is a little off, wouldn't you think? Geez, take a chill pill – and THEN enjoy that chicken!
@CollegeLoheart lol… You sure can, didn't you know that Chef John is only out to rid the world of us all?
Everything is dangerous, in ridiculous amounts – even your water. That chicken looks delicious, lovely browned, and is perfectly healthy.
That chicken looks delicious, well cooked, well prepared, and just yummy π
John, your camera is sexy π
@WILLSthe1st ur an idiot
@mf9120 Thank you for the explanation. I don't want to start an argument so if you have said this earlier instead of cursing i would have really appreciate the tip.
@sfvcanada Ty i was hopping for a good throughout explanation π
@mf9120 You this conversation isn't really going anywhere because all you are doing is cussing after every paragraph you write, beside i'm asking a question on how to get rid of the smell in a formal way and you pop up out of no where and start cussing. Beside, my blender is pretty old and the blade is not detachable and that might be the cause of the smell so next time if you want to answer a question please give an better attitude.
@WILLSthe1st … it gives taste, but not a very dominant one.
Show us how to make the mango salsa!
@ToturialsCharity but your toturials charity π
@CollegeLoheart what is there at 0:08 its just the burnt chicken skin.