Grilling Recipes

Beer Brats Recipe on the Grill – grilling bratwurst recipe How to cook bratwurst on the grill with a beer bath. Simple recipe that makes the best beer cooked brats with your weber grill. Video shot while cooking brats at a BBQ contest with The Killer Hogs BBQ Team


13 thoughts on “Beer Brats Recipe on the Grill – grilling bratwurst recipe

  • I totally agree with you. Boil first then grill for color, texture and flavor. Those veggies also look scrumptious brother. You are always on point with your fundamental grilling style. Excellent?

  • I love you Malcom . but I am an old Wisconsinite we always grill our brats first. the whole idea of the beer bath is to keep the brats warm while your watching the game..

  • i love your videos. but this is not how you do beer brats.. beer brats are grilled of low heat turning often with beer in left hand and tongs in right hand… when brats are done you place them in warm beer not simmering beer with a stick of butter and onions and peppers and krat… warm beer keeps brats warm while the game is on///

  • Gosh, that looks like the life!  Grillin' and Chillin'.  Excellent tips.  And it's cool when you show things being cooked on a regular Weber like so many of us have at home.  Thanks for everything!

  • cook the brats on flame first and get all the fat out…then soak them in beer and let the beer replace the fat that was cooked off.  just saying

  • I,m going to the store right now to get the ingredients to do this,thanks for sharing!

  • Thanks for sharing…being in North Carolina, I wanted an expert recipe.


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